Tension brew over proposed burial site of Martyrs in Churachandpur


A stand-off ensued between womenfolks and the Rapid Action Force (RAF) at Haolai Khopi village in Churachandpur district on Wednesday over proposed burial site of Kuki-Zo tribal martyrs.

As per an unanimous decision taken by the Joint Philanthropic Organizations operating in Lamka, the Indigenous Tribal Leaders’ Forum (ITLF) had chosen Haolai Khopi village – a village lying in the peripheral area, bordering Churachandpur district with Bishnupur district, for burying of tribal martyrs who were killed during the ongoing ethnic clashes.

The ITLF has decided the 3rd of August 2023 for the mass burial ceremony. According to the ITLF, more than 30 dead bodies in the district hospital morgue will be laid to rest tomorrow with full tribute and honour. However, the proposed burial site has been vehemently opposed by the state government, claiming that the land belongs to government. Subsequently, a large number of RAF personnel have been deployed at the proposed burial site since early this morning.

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On learning the deployment of RAF personnel at the burial site, womenfolks led by the ITLF Women Wing congregated at the site and protested against the deployment of security personnel leading to a minor stand-off between the RAF personnel and womenfolks, after which the RAF personnel were seen leaving the proposed burial site.

“We are burying our tribal heroes at our own land, this land belongs to us and this is our ancestral land, and no one has the audacity to object our move. We can bury our martyrs at any place, the state government should immediately stop obstructing our plan to bury our martyrs here in this place,” said ITLF Women Wing Convenor, Mary Jones.

When asked about the possibility of burying tribal martyrs at the proposed burial site tomorrow, another leader of the ITLF Women Wing said why won’t it be possible because the land is ours and this village Haolai Khopi is under our ancestral land. We are no longer part of the Manipur government, we will surely bury our tribal martyrs tomorrow here with full honour and no one have the right to object this. Manipur government should stop interfering in our affairs, she added.

Tomorrow, the burial programme will be held at the Wall of Remembrance Site at Tuibong, afterwhich the gathering will head towards the proposed burial site in Haolai Khopi wherein the tribal martyrs will be laid to rest with full honors.