“Volunteers Express Willingness to Sacrifice for Their People and Land,” Sit-in-Protest Continues at WoR

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Joint Secretary of the Kuki Inpi Tegnoupal, Sogin Guite has said that village volunteers at Tengnoupal district expressed willingness to sacrifice for their people and land.

The Joint Secretary of Kuki Inpi Tengnoupal made the statement at a gathering held at Wall of Remembrance (WoR), Churachandpur on Wednesday. The gathering and the sit-in protest was held against the recent atrocities of the Meitei commandos and the Arambai Tenggol at Moreh. Highlighting the revelations made by Peter Mate who was recently tortured by Meiteis in Moreh,  the Kuki Inpi Tengnoupal joint secretary said that the Meiteis tortured Peter from head to toe and even tried to kill him. However, some of the Meiteis refused to kill Peter since they were concerned about the consequences they and the Meiteis would face if they killed Peter.

Despite several incidents happening recently in Moreh, the volunteers have expressed that they are not disheartened by the incidents. Instead, they have assured their willingness to even sacrifice their lives to protect the people and the land said, Sogin. Meanwhile, a member of ITLF, Haoneo Baite said there were no proper or apex organisations to lead the people during the first few days of the violence which began in May. However, ITLF which is formed by different tribe leaders led the movement; he said and added that people have an immense role in further strengthening the ITLF.

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Haoneo is of the view that there is no other option than ITLF for a collective movement and he added that people can now choose whose civil body is fit to lead the movement. Many people from rich to poor have donated and played their part in the present movement of the Kuki-Zo people against the Meitei and the Meitei state government, he said and cautioned the people that it was not the time for the Kuki-Zo populace to take rest. Lauding the role of the village volunteers in the present conflict, the KIT representatives said that people could feel safe and could be at ease in their homes only because of the volunteers in the frontline who are on duty 24×7.

Regarding the talks between SoO groups and the Centre, Haoneo questioned the people and the organisations concerned regarding the progress of the talk. If there is no progress, people should reorganize again for further movement, said Haoneo. He also said that the Kuki-Zo people must sacrifice for their land and identity now or else they may regret later. The Kuki-Zo people must be prepared to face many challenges and difficulties to achieve separate administration.

During the gathering, mass prayer was conducted wherein women could be seen in tears praying for the welfare of the Kuki-Zo community.