NPO, SDSA settle misunderstanding, to pursue issue in consultation with higher apex bodies


The joint meeting of the Naga People’s Organization (NPO) and Senapati District Students’ Association (SDSA) have amicably settled the misunderstanding that cropped-up due to the economic blocked called by SDSA over the issue of Government of Manipur’s continuous banning of internet services.

The two Naga bodies held a meeting on October 11 at the President’s Chamber of NPO at Senapati district headquarters.

Also Read || Naga People’s Organisation advises SDSA to call off economic blockade

As per a press release issued on Friday, the NPO said that the two bodies had decided to pursue further consultation and perusal with the United Naga Council and All Naga Students’ Association, Manipur, for stronger and more effective strategies and to resolutely demand to the State government for suspension of internet ban in the conflict unaffected Naga area.

Also Read || Senapati Student Body Warns of Eco-Blockade from Oct 5 if Govt Fails to Lift Internet Suspension

It stated that the prolonged ban on internet in Manipur has adversely affected the student community in particular and public in general not only in Senapati district alone but the entire district of Manipur.

Earlier, the SDSA had served a 24 hours ultimatum to the State government to restore mobile internet in Senapati district by October 4. After the Government’s failure, SDSA had started economic blockade along NH-2 starting from 6 pm on 5th October.

However, the Naga People’s Organisation had advised the SDSA to call off the economic blockade, citing a reason that it was in violation of the NPO standing resolution adopted on June 28, 2011.